Angela Whittiaker voice over artist

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.

– Maya Angelou

About Angela

I love being a voice over artist!!!

My favorite place to record is in my home studio in Santa Monica — and I’m always barefoot :) I’ve got a portable set up that allows me to record from anywhere in the world… which amazes me! Technology is pretty damn cool.

I guess you could say I’m somewhat of an “entertainment junkie” — as I’m into a little of everything. I love it. Keeps things interesting and fun.

Growing up our home was always filled with music: country, rock, gospel, classical. My dad would play the guitar and we would sing together. Country music was my favorite and I felt that I was destined to be a professional Country music singer one day. However, I naturally fell into voice over work along my way… like I’d been doing it all my life. Singing and music still remains a huge part of my life and always will be.


Angela Whittaker Promo
Angela Whittaker Commercials
Angela Whittaker Narration
Angela Whittaker Animation

Angela is trusted by

and trusted by hundreds of other top brands around the world.

When I’m not working, I’m usually doing something outdoors. And a perfect day is one that allows me to sneak in a nap. Statistically, nappers live longer than non-nappers so hopefully I’ll be doing all this fun stuff till I’m 133!

Let’s Connect!

Angela is represented by:

Beverly Hills, CA
(310) 432-7800​

Get in touch with Angela: